
Mystified on a mountain

The tires on our Jeep barely grip the twin strips of overgrown asphalt. I catch myself asking the battered skid plates underneath to forgive my fondness for potholes. But there is hardly any room for evasion. On our left is an impenetrable green wall of trees, ferns, tree-ferns, and moss. To the right, a truncated grass verge reminds us of the shear 2,000 ft. plunge to the valley below. Rising fog obscures the ledge—and my anxiety.

Murder Mystery: When the Witness is a Tree

If a tree is witness to a murder, a translator is needed to get its testimony. Enter Alex Wiedenhoeft, Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) Research Botanist and Team Leader in the Center for Wood Anatomy Research (CWAR).

Chair’s message to alumni

Dear alumni, This has been a challenging year for our department and across all of higher education, but the “safer at home” directive that forced us to complete the Spring 2020 semester via remote teaching …

Beautiful wonder

For botanist Ken Cameron, orchids fascinate as well as inspire him to further research in plant evolution and biodiversity.

Lofty Goals

Botany grad student Evan Eifler rediscovers Geissorhiza esterhuyseniae in the remote peaks of South Africa.