Name of Doctoral Minor: Botany
(1-2 paragaphs describing discipline and learning outcomes):
Any student enrolled in a UW–Madison doctoral program can pursue a doctoral minor in Botany. The doctoral minor offers training in the field of Botany and can be tailored to a student’s specific interests. A doctoral minor in Botany is an excellent way to gain a fundamental breadth of understanding of the basic properties of plant life.
(must comply with Graduate School Policy for Option A Minors):
Graduate students who wish to pursue an Option external minor in the Botany department should consult a faculty member within Botany (their potential minor professor) or the chair of the Botany graduate committee. Courses are chosen in conjunction with the chosen Botany faculty who serves as the minor advisor, and the student’s departmental advisor. A student may earn a doctoral minor in Botany with 9 credits minimum in Botany, including a seminar course, while in residence at UW-Madison. All 9 credits are exclusively graduate-level Botany courses numbered 700 and above or courses numbered 300 and above as identified as designed for graduate work. Directed study courses do not count towards the minor.
The student completes a Botany Minor Agreement Worksheet in collaboration with his/her minor professor and committee. After the worksheet is signed by the student’s minor and major professors, a copy is filed with the Botany Graduate Program Coordinator and the student’s major department. Any changes to the proposed minor coursework must be approved by the minor professor. The student is responsible for updating the Botany Minor Agreement Worksheet.
Joint Degree
A joint degree consists of one graduate degree with two programs. A student completing a joint degree writes one thesis or dissertation and receives one diploma. Students can earn a joint M.S. or a joint Ph.D. The Graduate School website has detailed information on the requirements and procedures for a joint degree: