Starting in October of 2022, a group of students, led by graduating botany major, Amanda Shalit, revitalized the Undergraduate Botany Club. Since October, the Botany Club has hosted a plethora of events. The first meeting was a plant trivia night, followed by a trip to the Olbrich Botanical Gardens, and a Cocoa & Cram movie and study night. In the spring semester, Botany Club has hosted a variety of events according to member feedback. Students had the chance to build terrariums in recycled glass jars, put together a mini plant press, learn about fungi in the Lakeshore Preserve, and connect with graduate students in the Botany department and related departments through a graduate student panel. Most recently, the Botany Club received an event grant from ASM to host two Indigenous basket-weavers, who led an interactive presentation and workshop about traditional botanical practices and basket-weaving.